Diabetes in Kids

Can I test myself for Hypoglycemia?

I was in class the other day when a friend of mine commented that I am always "kinda shaky and cranky" at certain times of the day and it occurred to me that I am usually also very hungry at those times, but couldn't do anything about it because I need to concentrate in that class and can't concentrate after I eat.
I seem to get extremely sleepy after eating as well, to the point where I can drink a big cup of strong coffee with lunch and will still some times wind up falling asleep in public places. It seems to be especially bad if I eat a lot after not having eaten in a long time. I asked around and a couple of people told me that it sounds like I'm hypoglycemic, which is apparently linked to diabetes.
My dad was diagnosed as being borderline diabetic a couple of years ago, and apparently you can inherit a predisposition for it, so its got me a little concerned. I'm not really over weight though, and I never had any problems like this as a kid.
Diabetes in Kids

How old were you when you became a type 1 diabetic?

How old were you when you became a type 1 diabetic.
I was 11 years old and am only 18 now. How can i help others like me i would really like to help small kids as i know how hard it was for me when i was only 11.
Diabetes Question

Gestational Diabetes (GD) and Delivery?

Hi I am currently 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant… I have diagnosed with GD at 12 weeks and have been taking good control of my diet… my Hba1c test results are superb as they are at non-diabetic lvl…
My baby’s weight is within the graph and my gynae is quite proud and satisfied with my progress… However, all said and done, my gynae feels tat I should go for an induced delivery or c-sec if I do not show any sign of delivery by my 39 weeks because according to him, no matter what, GD is still a medical complication…
I am scheduled to go for my c-sec tomorrow… I chose C-Sec over induced delivery because I heard many stories tat induced wont work and u might need to go for emergency c-sec later on and gynae usually gives u 12 hrs to dilate for induced…
Should I tell my gynae I do not want c-sec tomorrow as I still wan to give myself a chance of natural delivery but what if I shldnt delay anymore for baby’s sake? But if my diet control is good, baby shldnt be harm isnt it? I really dont know what I shld do… Shld I go ahead and have c-sec tomorrow???