Diabetes Question

Why do we bleach grains such as rice and substances such as sugar, when it degrades them as food sources?

Johnny Rae asked:

Natural foods are healthier than processed food and until quite recently in human history our diets consisted predominately of unprocessed foods. So why did we start bleaching and processing the goodness out of basic foods?  This can result in so many health problems, including diabetes.


3 replies on “Why do we bleach grains such as rice and substances such as sugar, when it degrades them as food sources?”


It looks prettier in recipes.

the process of eating bleached food meant that you were one of the wealthy and elite members of society. ordinary people could not afford such food and had to eat non-bleached food, which by the way, had all of the nutrients still left in. now we have come full circle and the elite are eating whole grains, whole flour, and all the products made from these flours. now the elite concentrate on healthy food which costs more and the bleached flours can be had by all. it depends on what is in fasion at the time. the rich can have what the common person can’t afford.


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