Diets for Diabetics

Typical Type 2 Diabetes Diet

Type 2 Diabetes is the type of diabetes that occurs to a majority of the population. Though the course treatment for types 1 and 2 are different, the main thrust of diabetics is dealing with their diabetes diet management.

Diabetes diet management is acknowledging the functions of sugar and insulin production in relation to the diet. Every time a person takes his or her meal, the starches are broken down either into sugar or protein then into amino acids. The body would be affected when there is no insulin production because sugar would remain stagnant in the blood stream resulting to less fuel for cells and organs.

The typical type 2 diabetes diets for breakfast is cereals, probably cup full and is high in bran. Add in fruits for flavor, such as an apple or a few strawberries. Diabetes diet management needs a sugar-monitoring device to measure blood sugar levels before and after meals. If the sugar levels goes above or below the normal level, then one is in serious jeopardy.A good way of having a sound diabetes diet management is to limit the fat in one’s diet. It is wise to stay away from saturated fat and trans-fatty acids found in animal products and processed foods. An alternative is the use of mono-saturated fats from olive oil or poly-unsaturated fats from sunflower and rapeseed oils.

Type 2 diabetic dinner diet should be light yet filling. The meal should contain food with high protein such as lean meat, fish or poultry. That means one has to consume a lot of whole grains and fiber that is offered by fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds. One has to be selective when it comes to protein intake. One can get their protein requirement by consuming lean meats, fresh fish, poultry or soy products. Avoid fatty meals altogether.

One can have a variety of food to choose from when it comes to snacks, they are cheese sticks, yogurt, fruits, berries, and even unbuttered popcorn.There is no specific diet that is suitable for everyone. The best management one can do is not to leave the diet to guesswork and refer to diet ratios outlined by the American Diabetes and Dietetic Association, 10 to 20 percent of calorie intake is from protein and no more than 30 percent from fats and 60 percent or less from carbohydrates. A nutritionist can be consulted for exact readings.

Diets for Diabetics

Constant dry mouth and diet?

tripter24 asked:

For the past two weeks I have been having a constant dry mouth/throat. It goes away when I drink a couple glasses of water then comes back. I just started a 80% raw diet last week..can this have anything to do with it? I eat lots of raw fruits and veggies, legumes and nuts. I don’t eat any processed food and go through 2-3 gallons of water trying to get the dryness to go away but it doesn’t Sometimes it even makes my mouth more dry. Im not diabetic..I was just recently checked

Diets for Diabetics

Why is my blood glucose increasing overnight?

robin_g25 asked:

I’m a Type 2 Diabetic controlling my diabetes (for now) with Diet/exercise. I have lost weight, increased activity. At night before bed, my blood glucose is pretty good (100-115). But, then first thing in the morning before breakfast, it seems to spike (145-160). Anyone else experincing this? What can I do to manage?