Diabetic information

Normal Blood Sugar Ranges for People without Diabetes

Blood sugar is the term use to refer to the quantity of glucose that is present within the blood. When the issue about diabetes enters the scene, a lot of people were perplexed that they too may be suffering from the illness hence they become quite fascinated in knowing the normal blood sugar range particularly for those without diabetes.

 Basically, the normal levels are 70-150mg which may vary depending on the amount of food that a person eats. The amount may be more than 70 but not more than 140 throughout the day. In case your blood sugar is very low or extremely high for a very long time then this is a not a good sign. In case the level moves up 150mg then the person may be suffering from hyperglycemia which is the condition that is accompanied by a very high sugar level on the blood. In case the level goes below 70mg then the person is known to have a low blood pressure or the condition of hypoglycemia.

With this, in case you find yourself to be always suffering from high blood sugar then you need to check with a physician the soonest possible time since this may lead to diabetes in the long run. If diabetes is not treated properly, it can lead to kidney, eye, heart, or nerve damage. Act the soonest so you can counteract the worst condition from taking place. Diabetes is not a frightful condition as long as you faithfully follow medical advice.

Diabetes in Kids

Diabetes Signs In a 3 Year Old

Diabetes in children is not a new occurrence; in fact the number of youngsters suffering from this condition is escalating as the time passes by. And since kids can’t rightly say what they are going through, most parents would overlook the real condition and the real score is determined only when the worst thing takes place. So what are really some of the diabetes signs to watch out for particularly for children aging 3 years old?

The warning signs include excessive thirst which is known as polydipsia, excessive urination or polyuria may take place as well. Weight loss is also one of the most obvious diabetes sign in 3 years old. On rare case; dehydration, frequent yeast infections, lethargy, vomiting, flu-like symptoms, confusion, extreme thirst, fruity odor of the breath and bed wetting signs may take place as well.

When in doubt, there is no other alternative but to take diabetes test in order to confirm the real score. The child will surely have to undergo the pain of having to be pricked by a needle to get a sample of his blood. Never think that slim children will never suffer from the illness since diabetes is a silent killer that attacks both the fat and the skinny. It is an illness that particularly runs among family hence if a relative is suffering from this then the chance of developing diabetes is high. Also, lifestyle can contribute to its development as well as diet so it is best to take caution and to be sensitive enough to the body’s needs.

Diabetes News

Is the South Beach Diet a Good Diet for Diabetes?

Diabetes is a serious problem that many people are faced with. Having diabetes means you have to control the kind of foods that you take in, diabetics often have questions about the diets they can follow.

Is the south beach diet a good diet for diabetes, is a question that gets asked a lot. Basically, the south beach diet is another version of the Zone diet and Atkins diet which focus on lowering the carbohydrate that enters the body.

So knowing this information the question, is the south beach diet good for diabetes, remains. For a point of information, this kind of diet was primarily invented to address the need of diabetics and heart patients so it is safe to try this diet despite the illness. And looking at the main cause of diabetes which is the insufficient amount of insulin, the diet can in fact boost insulin level hence the body will recover from the stress easily.

Furthermore, since it is noted that the diabetes would normally take place among people who are overweight, following the south beach diet will in fact help tone down the weight hence the risk of developing diabetes is most likely lessened.

Undergoing the program will cut back cravings for sweet foods hence the propensity of diabetes attack are surely lessened.With all of these, engaging in south beach diet can surely allow a person to cut back his or her medications. But as the rule of thumb, it is still best to seek the go signal of one’s physician before engaging in any kind of diet so your health can be assessed properly.