Diabetes in Kids

Does my daughter need to see a endocronologist?

My daughter has not been diagnosed as a diabetic. But her doctor was suspecting maybe pre-diabetes so he gave us a meter to check a few times.
I don’t remember what time or what she ate but I do know that these readings were AFTER she ate. Here are some of them: 168, 163, 161, 159, 155 (and several others over 140, but she has had a few normal readings and her fasting reading is normal). She also had a 62 after running around with friends.
So do you think this warrants a trip to an endocronologist? Or do you think her doctor is right calling her pre-diabetic? She is not overweight and eats like a normal kid (not an over amount of sugar but some sweets now and then).
She is under 18 and on the lower end of normal for weight. We took her reading an hour after eating 4 chicken wings today and it was 143. Her doctor told us to check her fasting ever few days and they have been normal. He also told us to check an hour after and 2 hours after because he wants to find how high she spikes.
Diabetes in Kids

Testing type 2 Diabetics for Gestational Diabetes?

Is testing Type 2 diabetics (who are pregnant) for gestational diabetes the same kind of testing as it would be for a normal woman who is pregnant?
I’ve had three kids already and was not diabetic when I was pregnant with them, before or after. And when they did the routine gestational diabetes testing they gave me a high concentration of sugar or better known as glucose.
I have recently been told from my OB physician that he will still need to perform this test to see if I have developed the gestational kind. I wasn’t thinking at the time, but today I was watching a video that reminded me of what they do for this testing and I am now concerned about having to drink this high sugary drink. Does anyone know if the procedure is different for someone like myself?
I found out I was diabetic this last January and the cause could be a result from my PCOS that I was recently diagnosed with as well. I take medication for the combination and monitor my diabetes four times a day. I also monitor my ketones.
I do also see an endocrinologist.
Diabetes in Kids

Parents are over concerned about my Diabetes

I’m a 13 year old boy and I feel that my parents are worrying a little much. I have been a diabetic since I was 7 and am on a pump and can check my own sugars give my own injections and insulin and all that.
They often won’t let me go to the movies with friends because what if I pass out and no one will know what to do. and even their parents come and know im diabetic. One of my friends parents asked if i could go to an amusement park with them for the day. Its an hour and a half away. Once again I couldn’t go because what if i passed out. no one would know what to do.
There’s going to be days in life when im an adult and have to go places, and I can’t call them for permission and it just makes me upset that this condition owns my life. How do I earn my freedom. I make good grades and know how to care for my condition. I try to be a good kid.