Diets for Diabetics

What’s the Best Diet For Diabetes?

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are progressive physical conditions for which there is no cure. However, people with either form of the disease can usually lead normal, fully functioning lives by managing their condition appropriately. An extremely critical step in treatment of this disease is implementation of the correct diet regimen.

At the present time there are no proven cures for either Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes, both of which are deadly. Fortunately, it is possible for people with either form of diabetes to lead a normal, full life as long as they take the time to properly manage the illness. One of the key factors in helping to control one’s diabetes is adopting a proper diet.

In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas produces little or no insulin. This leads to a build up of glucose in the bloodstream and renders the body unable to use it to produce energy in the normal manner. Over time, the body will completely lose its ability to produce insulin. While insulin injections are mandatory for Type 1 sufferers, they can supplement their management of this disease by implementing a healthy dietary regimen, which will serve as a complement to the required insulin treatments.

Numerous case studies have confirmed that controlled carbohydrate intake is the key component in regulating the quantity of insulin that is needed to maintain systemic stability and consistent blood sugar levels in those who are afflicted with Type 1 diabetes. It is imperative that the carbohydrates consumed, insulin and physical activity must all be carefully balanced to that the blood sugar, or glucose, levels will remain in acceptable ranges. If any of these factors fluctuate excessively, this can throw sugar readings into an unstable state. This is why it is imperative that people with Type 1 diabetes taking fixed doses of insulin should watch their carb intake closely at every meal and snack.

Type 2 diabetes differs from Type 1 in that it is a problem with the body’s response to insulin, rather than a problem with the production of insulin itself. Type 2 has been shown to be at least partially connected to a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Thus, the dietary objectives for this version of diabetes must be adjusted to remedy the specific problem. With Type 2 diabetes the primary focus becomes losing weight and being sure not to gain it back. Eight to ninety percent of Type 2 diabetes sufferers are overweight; some are even obese. Meal planning for these people should involve reducing their calorie intake, eliminating or cutting down on foods high in saturated fat, an even distribution of carbohydrates, and the replacement of some carbohydrates high in saturated fat with healthier monounsaturated fats like peanut butter, almonds, and other types of nuts. Not only will this diet serve to cause weight loss, it will stabilize the critical glucose levels.

Following this diet along with increasing the level of physical activity will reduce insulin resistance, and improve glucose control as well as aiding in weight loss. Generally, the best carbohydrate foods to eat would be the high fiber types of grains, pasta, fruits, and vegetables, rather than simple sugar items. On occasion, one still might eat foods with a lot of sugar, such as birthday cake, for example. However, on those days when cake, candy or other sweets are consumed, one must then ensure that their usual daily intake of certain carbs like rice, pasta or potatoes is adjusted accordingly as well. This will help you to be sure that calories and carbohydrates are balanced, and glucose levels are kept in line.

Diabetes is a serious disease which can create acute health concerns and possibly death. In many instances, it can be treated by means of changes to your diet.